How to enable filters on Snapchat


Even though Snapchat is just another social platform in many other exciting, there are some special things about this app, that divides it from the others. Snapchat is a great app for taking and sharing photos and videos, and once they are seen, they will disappear.

But, the ability to use many filters provided on Snapchat, makes the taking of photos even funnier than it was before. So, how to enable filters on Snapchat? As simple, this question is, the simpler the answer. Read more in the following.

About the filters

If you are not familiar with the filters, here is a short explanation. It is the way to personalize your content by adding the elements when you take the snap. This means that you can turn your photo to look different than the original, by applying some of the filters. Some filters come with Snapchat as you download it, but with the updates, some new can show up, and the old ones can disappear.

We can say that there are many filters divided into groups. So, we have filters and lenses. The main difference between these two effects is that filters are kind of static, and allow you to change your content with elements that are not moving. With filters, you can have the color tones changed on your photo or added some drawings or graphics to it.

On the other side, lenses are used mostly when you turn on your front camera. Applying the lenses on your content will let you have some elements in move on your photo. These options on Snapchat are very funny, making your content look hilarious or as a piece of art.

Procedure to enable filters use

If you want to use a filter on Snapchat and don’t know how to do it, here are a couple of steps you can follow. The procedure of enabling the filters on Snapchat starts by opening your app. If you are not logged in, make sure to log in, so you can proceed further. As you know, Snapchat will now automatically lead you to the camera.

Next, you should head to your profile. To do so, you are supposed to click on a circle that will show up in the left, upper corner of your device’s screen. Now, you will notice a Settings menu in the upper right corner of your screen. Click on it, and the Settings menu will be opened.

You should find and tap on the option Manage, which is placed under the section named Additional Services. Then, you need to proceed to the Filters heading. Make sure to turn this option on, and then get back to the camera to check if the filters are working.

Check if filters are working

Now, when you have enabled the filters, go to the camera on Snapchat. When it opens, you will notice the regular button al the lower central part of the screen, that you have been using to take a photo. Next to this button, there will be shown a lot of others, so you can swipe to the right, or left, to see the filters.

Those are your enabled filters you can use now. To apply any of them, first, open the camera, and then choose which one you want to apply. Set the filter, and then take the photo.

You will be having a lot of fun with your friends. Some of the filters can make you look like an animal, such as a dog, mouse, cat, or to turn you into the scary monster. Anyway, you will be enjoying this option on Snapchat, because it is one of the funniest, and most unique options that this app provides you.

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