Essential vitamins that boost memory

The brain is the control centre of the central nervous system located in the skull which is responsible for perception, cognition, attention, memory, emotion, and action.

To maintain a healthy, sharper and an active brain, you will need to eat some foods enriched with specific vitamins.

Here are the best vitamins that can boost your memory as explained by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, a nurse.

1. Vitamin B-12

The nutrient plays a cardinal role when it comes to boosting the brain functions. It may help in preventing dementia, a disease characterised by a progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal aging.

Scientists brought to light that incorporating of Vitamin B-12 to your daily diets could help lower the risks of memory loss by a good percentage.

Vitamin B-12 deficiencies which is common in people with stomach upset can cause loss of memory.

Research suggests that the vitamin could also attenuate the risks of Alzheimer disease. Ensure you eat enough cereals and a fortified breakfast for the sake of healthy brain.

2. Vitamin E

This nutrient is specially beneficial to old folks. It simply helps in curbing brain aging.

A study conducted back in 2014 unfolded that Vitamin E is good for people with Alzheimer disease and that they should have them in plenty.

The vitamin may also promote perception, cognition, attention, memory, emotion, and action. It is therefore important to have this vitamin in your diet.

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